Seventh Generation
Project: Seventh Generation Feminine Care “Vajingle”
Agency: 72 and Sunny New York
Channels: Digital / Social
Air Date: June 2016
Strategy: Seventh Generation is a brand with a purpose, to make household products that nurtured the health of the next seven generations. They don't use any toxic chemicals and list their ingredients on the label. But to grow, the brand needed to break out of its green positioning and go up against the big conventional brands.
Progressive minded consumers were questioning the food they ate and the beauty products they put on their skin, but were buying household products on auto pilot. We needed to get consumers to question the ingredients in their products. To do this we partnered with Saturday Night Live comedian Maya Rudolph to deliver the news in approachable non critical way.
As part of a larger product campaign for Seventh Generation’s “Come Clean” effort that lobbied for ingredient transparency, this piece of 1:43 content was lightening in a bottle. We leveraged Maya' Rudolph’s goofy style to make a serious point, in this instance, that femcare manufacturers are not required to disclose the presence of chemicals in their products. As Rudolph says, “Do you know what’s in your hoo-ha?” She does.
To disrupt the category and create a cultural impact with limited budgets, SVG launched the #ComeClean movement, with TV, print, social assets and songs about vaginas that got the world paying attention.
Results: Over 500M earned media impressions: New York Times, Samatha Bee, Fast Company, Forbes, Shape, PopSugar, AdAge, etc.+
163% growth in social conversation about the SVG brand 2016 vs 2015
+8% Household penetration in 2016 (after staying flat 2015)
+15% Laundry sales vs. LY in a stagnant category (+0.2% category growth)
+10% Dish soap sales vs. LY in declining category (-1.4% category growth)
103% Feminine care sales vs. LY in a stagnant category (+0.13% category growth)